Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Endings

"Romance usually presents us with a hierarchical social order, and in what we have called kidnapped romance, this order is rationalized." Frye (page 177)

Happy Endings. There is this argue as to which is better--happy endings, or realistic endings. Personally, I believe all stories should have a happy ending. Okay, so I am a romantic. But don't you think we should all be romantic? Romance isn't just lovey-dovey-kissy stuff. It is about losing yourself. It is about losing all control and escaping reality. It is about having an overwhelming sensation run through your body. Who wouldn't want that? I guess I am confused as to why people enjoy the depressing endings that are based off of true events. Isn't the world messed up enough? Don't we need to lighten it up a little? I don't know about the rest of you, but I see so much "reality" in real life that I love to escape it now and then. Stories should be a place to escape. That is the beauty of a story--it can end however you want. There is no such thing as a bad ending. We the readers/listeners have the power to end the story wherever we would like.

All of the children's stories we see or hear or even read end happily for that very reason. The happy endings bring a sense of fantasy into our world. How boring would it be if all the children read were about real events? In that case, Cinderella would have never gotten her hunk. He was rich so he would have picked some really hot rich chick to keep their pretty, wealthy genes alive. They would have a terrible relationship and both would have an affair with another rich model down the street. Cinderella, on the other hand, would be home, cleaning and taking care of her ugly stepsisters. She might find a low paying job where she has to work with her hands all day. Her body will age rapidly because of the stress and workload she puts on. She would marry the first guy who looks her way and he will hit her. She will spend the majority of her life protecting her children from their father and teaching them to work hard so they can get out. They will always be poor and end of some disease they could not afford to treat. THE END.

What child (or adult for that matter) would want to read that? That is depressing! But it is the truth. So you say you do not like happy endings. Well, which would you rather have? A story that makes you feel warm inside with closure, or a story that represents the real world and is a cycle of what is to come?

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